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Thursday, December 3, 2009

FREE Giveaways - Dec 2009

  1. Sew Retro Chic!, until 31 December 2009
  2. D' Cottage Crafts, until 5 January 2010
  3. Beanipet, until 22 December 2009
  4. MyChocolateMuffins, until 31 December 2009
  5. Coretan Anak Seni
  6. Anasfadilah, until 14 December 2009
  7. Senyumlah Seikhlas Hatimu, until 13 December 2009
  8. Colors City Shop, until 13 December 2009
  9. Sweet Wannur, until 20 December 2009
  10. Customized Felt Tshirt, until 15 December 2009
  11. LynnCraft, until 20 December 2009
  12. Sweet Treat Giveaway, until 25 December 2009

* Note: This list will be updated from time to time. Let me know if you are hosting any free giveaway this month.


Unknown said...

I'm hosting a giveaway too, will be expired on 13/12/09. Thanks

Syazwi Aljabri said...

Hi,I'm doing a giveaway at my craft blog, MyChocolateMuffins. Can you put it up here?

Zura said...

salam, mai my fren..tolong sat list kan Giveaway ku..abis 31st Deecember ni. thanks babe!

p/s : Aku teringin nak jumpa ko..bila free? ;)

D' Cottage Crafts Inahaiqal said...

Dear Maya,

I'm hosting a giveaway until 5 January 2010



maswanie said...

Salam sis maya...

I'm hosting my Birthday Giveaway stating today until 20th January

tq :)

free counters


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