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Sunday, December 5, 2010

FREE Giveaways - Dec 2010

  1. Cute2 Collection, until 31 Jan 2011
  2. IbzaGift, until 22 Jan 2011
  3. TiniHani.Com, until 14 Jan 2011
  4. Creative Genius Printables, until 20 Dec 2010
  5. shuying, until 20 Dec 2010
  6. Ween Gorgeous
  7. ~Happy Me~, until 25 Dec 2010
  8. ezloveycraft, until 17 Jan 2011
  9. aLiYa's cRaFt, until 15 Dec 2010
  10. Balancing, until 1 Jan 2011
  11. MypassionMycraft, until Dec 31 2010
  12. Gaban's Lovely Craft & Embroidery, until 15 Jan 2011
  13. myfreakydolls, until 10 Jan 2011
  14. MLC Jewels, weekly, until 31 Dec 2010
  15. Saravella's Craft, until 10 Dec 2010
  16. Noir Jewelry, until 10 Dec 2010

* Note: This list will be updated from time to time. Feel free to leave your giveaway entry URL in this post's comment box if you are hosting any free giveaway.


Embroidery said...

Salam Maya,

Saya buat GA bulan ni. Boleh add sy juga di sini?? Terima kasih.


Lisa said...

salam maya,

saya pun ada buat giveaway bulan nie


MJBannister said...

Salam Maya,

Plz add my blog, bulan ni saya ada GA until 1/1/11. Thanks


aLiYa's cRaFt ShOppE said...

Saya buat GA..

Anonymous said...

Giveaway contest saya : http://dyccbagstudio.blogspot.com/2010/12/dycc-1st-giveaway-contest.html


ween said...

my first ever giveaway. feel free to join! :)


Anonymous said...

my 1st time xmas giveaway ..
feel free to join me at

sayahappyslalu said...


ezloveycraft said...

ni ezloveycraft punye give away okeh


The Creative Genius said...

Saya ada buat giveaway until MOnday.

jura-rahim said...

My 1st GA ...feel free to join


faiezah@intan said...

sy ada wt GA smpai 31 jan...


Your online book store said...


here is my 1st giveaway, closing date is 22 January 2011..

thanks !

TiniHani said...


saya pon ada wat giveaways... lambat update sini.. ahaks
jom joint

hingga 14 jan 2011

Cik Puan Nurul said...

salam maya me ada buat giveaway kat blog ni link nya


tarikh tutup 29 jan 2011

florin_132008 said...

ma numesc florin mihai, am 15ani sunt din busteni, si vin cu o mare rugaminte la dumneavoastra. vin sarbatorile de paste, iar noi nu avem ce pune pe masa . tata nu lucreaza doar mama, si lucreaza la matura pe strada in frig si ger pentru 500 de lei pe luna.tata este operat la picior.din banii acestia mama trebuie sa plateasca datoriile la magazin , datoriile la oameni care ne mai dau bani imprumut, si noi numai ramanem cu nimic.va cer ajutorul ca sa ne ajutati si pe noi cu ce puteti ca sa punem cate ceva de sarbatori pe masa. va trimit acest mesaj de la calculatorul unui vecin care ne mai ajuta si dansul din cand in cand.va rugam din tot sufletul sa ne ajutati cu ce puteti ca sa ne facem si noi sarbatorile de paste ca orice om.Am vrea si noi ca orice om sa avem si noi un cozonac si un ou rosu. dar daca nu avem nu putem face nimic. Dintr-un singur salariu, adus de mama, nu ne putem permite absolut nimic, pentru ca avem datorii la magazine care ne dau pe datorie, si trebuie sa dam inapoi si banii celor ce ne mai ajuta din cand in cand.si noi numai ramanem cu nimic ca sa ne punem pe masa de paste.Va rugam din tot sufletul, daca puteti sa ne ajutati si pe noi cu ce puteti, ca sa ne putem face si noi aceasta mare sarbatoare cum trebuie, cum si-o fac toti oameni. numai cu ajutorul dumneavoastra putem fi si noi mai fericiti de paste. daca vreti sa ne ajutati, va las numarul meu de telefon, si daca vrei sa ne ajutati, ma puteti suna 0723022632. va multumesc si cred ca aceasta scrisoare, nu o veti arunca.

Blogger said...

Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours

Well over 160,000 men and women are trying a easy and SECRET "liquid hack" to lose 1-2 lbs each night while they sleep.

It's easy and works with anybody.

Here's how you can do it yourself:

1) Grab a drinking glass and fill it with water half the way

2) And then do this amazing hack

and become 1-2 lbs lighter the very next day!

free counters


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